Our housing team explores proposed changes to the shared ownership scheme and its future.
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Careful consideration at the start of any development or investment transaction is essential to a successful outcome.
Understanding the impact of planning legislation on the feasibility of your development and avoiding financial inefficiencies at an early stage will really make a difference to your bottom-line.
Our team can advise you on the potential opportunities for grant funding and tax breaks, help you to navigate any issues with public procurement law and UK subsidy control requirements and guide you through the options to finance your development.
Our Heads of Terms and Stress Testing service exists to help you get the right structure for your developments and capture efficiencies from day one. With experts in development, tax, planning, public procurement law and corporate structuring, we can help you to drive out the key details of the deal and maximise opportunities. We can also help you to evaluate options or stress-test your preferred option to maximise potential profit by minimising financial inefficiencies.
Managing the risk and uncertainty associated with complex property development conditions is key. Our real estate team has significant experience in putting Conditional Agreements and Forward-Funding Deals in place. This means that you go into a deal with the right transaction structure, pre-conditions and sequence of events to mitigate risks and achieve the commercial outcomes you desire.
Legal peace of mind
Our advisory services can support and guide you on the many considerations you have at the start of a property project. Where tax is concerned, we encourage forward-planning at the outset, looking at property-related taxes (both inside and outside the transaction) and improving bottom-line performance. We’ll ensure that you capture efficiencies and available tax breaks or mitigate against unnecessary tax liabilities.
In terms of planning and public procurement, we support and advise on feasibility, deal structure efficiencies and minimising your risk. We'll help you to navigate complicated public procurement law, UK subsidy control and planning rules and legislation, giving you peace of mind that no detail has been forgotten.
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Revamped National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) — key changes for housing sector and local authorities explained
The Government has revamped the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) to pave the way for the delivery of 1.5m new homes over the next five years.
Read moreAs a ‘Client’, you must make suitable arrangements for planning, managing and monitoring your project to ensure compliance with the Building Regulations.
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