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Practical support for struggling families — The Brabners Foundation & SHS

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The Brabners Foundation

Practical support for struggling families The Brabners Foundation SHS

In 2022, The Brabners Foundation pledged £5,000 to UK charity SHS (School-Home Support), which helps disadvantaged children and young people to overcome barriers to education.


Nine in every classroom in poverty

According to SHS, 4.2 million children — an average of nine in every classroom — live in poverty. If this isn’t shocking enough, the ‘poverty trap’ can lead to a lifetime of deprivation and poor health.


SHS’ impact

Our donation went towards The SHS Welfare Fund. This gives the poorest families a helping hand in times of desperate need by providing practical items like school uniforms, food and essential household appliances.

This fund is often the key to opening doors to ‘hard-to-reach’ families, sparking dialogue and more sustained support.

63% of the children SHS works with improve their school attendance by 7.8%.

As well as making a grant of £5,000, the Brabners Foundation has also worked with SHS on its annual Christmas Wish List and World Book Day initiatives, with colleagues purchasing gifts and books for disadvantaged children.

Donate to School-Home Support.

Find out more about The Brabners Foundation.

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