True North: a letter to the new Government
AuthorsRobert White
4 min read

Pictured left to right: True North Co-Chairs Michael Hayman MBE, Professor Maggie O’Carroll and Robert White.
True North Co-Chairs Robert White (CEO, Brabners), Professor Maggie O'Carroll (CEO, The Women’s Organisation) and Michael Hayman MBE (Co-founder and Chair, Seven Hills) have written to senior members of the new Government and elected metro mayors of the North, offering support from the network in the development of regional economic growth plans.
Read the full letter below.
We are writing with an invitation to meet about a new initiative that we believe can help to both kickstart economic growth and reset devolution, as your Government seeks to do.
True North is a new network of more than 270 — and growing — like-minded businesses, leaders and other organisations, committed to supporting the future of the North through economic growth and social prosperity. It unites the region’s most influential voices from the heart of the purpose-led business community and is focused on co-creating a path forward that unlocks the true potential of the Northern economy. In the spirit of collaboration, rather than competition, we hope to connect thriving clustered specialisms that complement rather than compete.
As you recognise, growth for the whole of the UK is not possible through the overly centralised model of the past. We believe that the True North network can play its part in supporting each of the devolved regional authorities (including metro mayors) as they draw up their local economic and growth plans, and identify the sectors and infrastructure they need to thrive.
This strengths-based approach to creating change is one that we wholeheartedly support and want to be an active part of. For too long, regional policy decisions have been made through a deficit model — a competitive process that pits local and combined authorities against one another. By drawing on our strengths and what is already being done well in each part of the North, we can learn from one another, share best practice, open up opportunities for collaboration and drive greater levels of investment.
What has also been missing from much of the conversation is a recognition that economic growth and prosperity cannot be contingent on the public sector alone — particularly in the absence of an abundant public purse. The purpose-led business community are central to the success of the region, to unlocking the pressing need for greater productivity and prosperity in the North and stands ready to play its part in the design and delivery of the way forward.
Among our network is a significant proportion of privately owned and owner-managed businesses, who operate with a socially impactful mission that is central to their existence and that remain embedded in the communities they serve. Our data tells us that these businesses — our ‘Northern Stars’ — are growing at an average rate of 8.5% year-on-year, far above the national average.
These businesses — whose voices have for too long been missing from the rooms where devolution decisions are made — have the tools to unlock economic growth. They are focused on the long-term and we believe they can help to drive prosperity throughout the region by encouraging investment, while fostering greater collaboration with regional and combined authorities, and central government.
True North and our members are ambitious about where the region and the country can go — an ambition we defined in our ‘Defining Northern Ambition’ thought leadership report published in the Autumn of last year, which shines a spotlight on those innovative organisations who are at the heart of positive change in the region.
Our approach is grounded in data and the development of practical solutions, content and collaboration-focused events to understand what is working well, where successful initiatives are being delivered and where there are gaps, so that solutions can be shared across the region.
True North aims to be a source of new thinking, a fresh perspective on key growth, innovation and sustainability priorities, and a new delivery model for a more equitable North. We hope you will engage with us and our network of like-minded leaders — who all share the same goal to deliver growth and greater prosperity for the North and the entire UK — and remain disposed to a meeting at your earliest opportunity.
Yours sincerely,
Robert White, CEO, Brabners and Co-Chair, True North.
Professor Maggie O’Carroll, CEO, The Women’s Organisation and Co-Chair, True North.
Michael Hayman MBE, Co-founder and Chair, Seven Hills and Co-Chair, True North.
Robert White
Our CEO is the driving force behind our firm’s new strategy and sense of ambition.
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