It's important to obtain the right advice when it comes to funding your ambitious innovation projects.
Technology start-ups and scale-ups need funding to turn their ambitions into reality and protect their interests. Yet securing funding and business grants is a challenging task for small businesses and start-ups, which may find it difficult to use a bank or start-up loan as the sole method of funding in the early stages.
Understanding the options available and the right funding to pursue for your business will ensure that you secure the right investment to help you succeed.
We provide the specialist advice you need on the range of available funding options. Whether you seek angel, venture capital or private equity investment (or public/semi-public funding)
we're here to guide you through the process.
If you’re a small tech start-up with no track record or tested idea for monetising your product, you'll need to look at a range of options. Our team will advise you on all aspects of technology and private investment funding and assist with growth and innovation.
We support an extensive network of investors and funders and provide experienced, pragmatic and commercial advice. We can assist with the full range of private equity and funding transactions and with corporate finance issues.