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Commercial Contract Solicitors

We ensure that your contracts are fit for purpose, helping you to realise your ambitions.

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We ensure that your contracts are tailored to meet your commercial objectives and protect your interests.

Getting your commercial agreements right is key to creating and maintaining value in any business. They should help you to achieve your business objectives and lock-in the value of your relationships while providing clarity for you, your customers and your suppliers — and serve to protect you from costly and distracting disputes.

For cost-conscious businesses, the temptation may be to treat terms and conditions and other commercial contracts as a necessary evil, rather than key assets. 

However, our experience demonstrates that failure to invest in getting them right is often costly. Poorly drafted contracts not only lead to disputes but also to loss in business value. On exit, any potential buyer will scrutinise your underlying key contractual arrangements.

How we can help

The focus of our commercial group is on understanding your business so that your contracts are tailored to your requirements, well thought out and fit for purpose — both now and for the future. This will help you to realise your ambitions and objectives, reduce risks and liabilities and ensure compliance with the latest legislation.

We provide support in reviewing, drafting and negotiating all trading agreements including terms and conditions, supply and purchase deals, distribution and agency arrangements, collaborations and joint ventures, IT agreements (software development and licensing, maintenance and support, hosting, ERP agreements), licensing agreements and franchising.

Our team also advises on website terms and privacy policies, consumer protection and e-commerce.

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